Category Archives: Users

WordPress Database Errors and the Post Hoc Fallacy

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit mentioned WordPress today in not-so-flattering terms (emphasis added): LIEBERMAN CAMPAIGN CRASHED OWN WEBSITE: “The server that hosted the Web site failed because it was overutilized and misconfigured.” That’s like when people send me a link to their underpowered WordPress blog, then it produces a “Database Error” message when too many […]

How Many Bloggers Use Each Version of WordPress

Yesterday I mentioned that WordPress was the most-used content management system among Technorati’s top 100 bloggers, and I wondered what versions of WordPress they were using. As it happens, discovering the WordPress version is fairly simple most of the time, so I wrote a Perl robot to gather that information from the top 100 Technorati […]

WordPress: Most-Used Blogging Application For the Most Popular Blogs

According to Technorati, more of the top one hundred linked-to blogs use WordPress than any other CMS. Specifically, 34% of those most popular blogs use WordPress, compared to Movable Type’s 16%. Most WordPress themes announce their version number in the page’s meta tags. Since I’m sure Technorati has the data, it would be really interesting […]

WordPress Publisher Blog Launches

Automattic, the company founded by WordPress lead developer Matt Mullenweg, has launched the “WordPress Publisher” blog. We’ll cover features that are often overlooked, we’ll highlight plugins that extend WordPress functionality, and we’ll showcase interesting sites being built with WordPress. From the description, it sounds like the WordPress Publisher Blog aims to be Automattic’s in-house version […]

User Interface Guide Coming to WordPress

Matt Mullenweg, lead developer of WordPress, recently announced plans for “a set of interface guidelines similar to Apple’s or Yahoo’s detailing what was found in the research, so core WP devs, plugin authors, and other web devs can make better decisions about interactions in the future.” (The research he’s referring to—commissioned by Automattic—was done by […]

WordPress a Necessity?

Michael Arrington at TechCrunch lists WordPress among his favorite “Web 2.0″ companies. Considering how many well-known bloggers use WordPress and that 3.81 million people downloaded WordPress in 2007, I think he’s not alone.