Viper007Bond has released version 3.0.0 of his WordPress admin bar, which puts a navigation menu for admin pages at the top of each external WordPress page, for logged-in users.
By default, this admin bar looks a lot like the one at, but it (optionally) includes all available admin menu items, and there are a number of built-in styles, or “themes,” to choose from.
Viper007Bond contributes quite a bit to WordPress core development, so as one would expect, this plugin is coded well: the code itself is clearly organized, it follows WordPress standards with regard to localization, it’s even forwards-compatible with some features of the next version of WordPress, and it’s extensible: he’s provided a feature that allows themes to add their own admin bar “theme.”
Great news! I’ve actually been waiting for that
It’s such a great plugin.
hello ,
I installed this plugin then tried to uninstall it and wordpress asked me whether I wanted to delete all those files and I clicked yes. Now, I cannot see any of my posts. help