Tag Archives: Spam

Mollom: Anti-Spam Plugin

It seems like a lot of people are getting into the anti-spam business recently. Mollom has released a publicly available version of its WordPress plugin. Unlike the others such as Akismet, TypePad AntiSpam, and Defensio, Mollom alters the comments database table to add a field. I don’t usually think that’s a good idea, but other, […]

TypePad Releases Anti-Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin

The folks at Six Apart have released a centralized anti-spam service complete with WordPress plugin, which seems aimed at competing directly with Akismet. Michael Arrington of TechCrunch has tried it and claims that it has fewer false positives than does Akismet.

How I’ve Cut WordPress Comment Spam by 45%

For the last couple of months I’ve been keeping the database entries for comment spam caught by Akismet at my personal blog. I have an ongoing search for patterns that I hope to use in a future project. WordPress accepts three types of comments: “regular” comments made by submitting the comment form on-site, “trackbacks,” and […]