Category Archives: Plugins

Readying Plugins for the New WordPress Admin Theme

The WordPress admin theme has been overhauled for the next version (scheduled to be released mid-March), which means that a lot of plugins’ admin pages could end up looking out of place. Joost de Valk gives some brief tips on how to mark up plugin admin pages to take advantage of the new styling. Unfortunately, […]

How I’ve Cut WordPress Comment Spam by 45%

For the last couple of months I’ve been keeping the database entries for comment spam caught by Akismet at my personal blog. I have an ongoing search for patterns that I hope to use in a future project. WordPress accepts three types of comments: “regular” comments made by submitting the comment form on-site, “trackbacks,” and […]

6 Tips for Localizing Your WordPress Plugin

Localizing (or internationalizing) your WordPress plugin means making its text capable of being translated into other languages, without having to change the plugin itself. That’s something any plugin author should want to do, considering the huge communities of non-English-speaking WordPress users and the relative ease with which internationalization can be done. Here is a list […]