Articles written by Austin Matzko for Pressed Words

Austin Matzko is a web developer living in Boston, Massachusetts. He blogs and helps out with WordPress development as “filosofo.”

You can contact him at

Using image.php in WordPress 2.5 Themes

Blog almighty points out that WordPress themes should use the images.php template file to take advantage of the image gallery features introduced in WordPress 2.5. There are two main differences in the image.php template file from single.php: printing the image instead of the post content, and using previous_image_link and next_image_link instead of previous_post_link and next_post_link.

Matt Mullenweg on Mashable

Recently Mark Hopkins of Mashable interviewed WordPress founder and Automattic president Matt Mullenweg for a Mashable Conversations podcast. Most interviews of Mullenweg seem to cover the same ground, and Hopkins was even apologetic about it. However, I thought it was interesting that this time Mullenweg mentioned Mark Pilgrim’s post about switching to WordPress as being […]

Mollom: Anti-Spam Plugin

It seems like a lot of people are getting into the anti-spam business recently. Mollom has released a publicly available version of its WordPress plugin. Unlike the others such as Akismet, TypePad AntiSpam, and Defensio, Mollom alters the comments database table to add a field. I don’t usually think that’s a good idea, but other, […]

Wonkette Switches to WordPress

The popular political gossip site Wonkette has switched from using Movable Type to WordPress to power its site.

TypePad Releases Anti-Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin

The folks at Six Apart have released a centralized anti-spam service complete with WordPress plugin, which seems aimed at competing directly with Akismet. Michael Arrington of TechCrunch has tried it and claims that it has fewer false positives than does Akismet.

Who’s Using WordPress 5 Years Later

In honor of WordPress’s fifth birthday, I’ve surveyed about 6000 blogs to see how many are running WordPress. This is the same group that I queried back in January, when I created a spider that harvested the blogs from all of Technorati’s main blogging categories. CMS Count Percentage WordPress 2178 34.3 Unknown 1523 23.98 Blogger […]

Post Versioning in WordPress 2.6

Michael Adams has some screenshots of the work he’s done putting post revisions into WordPress 2.6, the next version of WordPress (now in alpha development). It looks good, and I think this feature will offer lots of exciting possibilities for plugin authors to develop.

Title Capitalization Plugin

When I saw John Gruber’s Perl script that corrects title capitalization, then John Resig’s JavaScript version, I thought, “that would make a great WordPress plugin ported to PHP!” Adam Nolley has done just that. Switches to WordPress

Today switched its Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, and Poked & Prodded blogs to WordPress from Movable Type, hosted on Automattic’s VIP service.

Bible Verse Tagger Plugin for WordPress

Logos has released a new version of its RefTagger tool, which links Bible verse references to their full text at It also shows the verse in a pop-up if you hover over the link. RefTagger works on any sites that use its JavaScript, but the Logos page includes WordPress plugin that does this automatically.